Acumen Software, the developer of the Forcelink™ mobile work and asset management solution, is pleased to announce that it has gone live with the Forester and Contractor Mobile Work Management system at Sappi Khulisa.

Sappi is a global company focused on providing dissolving wood pulp, paper pulp and paper-based solutions to its direct and indirect customer base across more than 160 countries. Sappi produces approximately 5.6 million tons of paper per year, 2.5 million tons per year of paper pulp and 1.3 million tons per year of dissolving wood pulp.

Forcelink™ will enable the Sappi Khulisa team to deliver an improved service to our growers by doing away with previous inefficient systems and practices, for example, by cutting out the laborious manual capturing of data on forms, which often led to extra admin and potential errors, as well as creating unnecessary backlogs, as hard copies of documents were sent from pillar to post.

Gone are the days of writing and re-writing, duplicating and making errors. With the new Forcelink™ mobile system, data is captured electronically, and sent via mobile to a cloud-based central system which is fully integrated with Sappi’s other systems.

The forthcoming possibilities that the App allows for grower/forester interaction will be unleashed in future phases of the roll-out, as the software is developed, and as users become more up to speed with the workings of the system.

With these new capabilities, unreliable spreadsheets for planning purposes and data errors will be a thing of the past, and bottle-necking which could sometimes delay payments to growers, due to administrative backlogs, will no longer occur. All in all, this new system promises benefits all round – not only for Sappi and the Khulisa team, who will be able to work faster, more accurately and efficiently, but also for the growers who will benefit from up to date record keeping and more efficient payment systems, capacitating them to become more stable and sustainable suppliers.

The Sappi IT team has been working closely with the Acumen Software team, to ensure that the systems are compatible and ‘talking to each other’, so that business efficiencies are maximised within various departments.

The Acumen Software and Sappi Khulisa project team worked extremely well together to deliver a very successful project on time and within budget.  “The Mobile Work Force Management App will assist the Sappi Khulisa Forester to provide a better Service to the Khulisa Growers and Contractors and will also assist in meeting Sappi’s business objectives.  It’s refreshing working with a service provider with a “Can Do” attitude, focused on addressing the clients’ needs” (Dutliff Smith, Sappi Project Manager)